Welcome to Open Palm Open Source Project. This is a project which will be mainly based on Python 3.x and MySql

Note : For Windows Users , there are certain bugs which I am aware of and it is caused because of the different directory navigation style used by Windows and Linux. For example: / in linux is \\ for Windows.I will be making a separate branch for Windows shortly

Q : What do I get with this software?

A : This software is mainly built to aid the teachers in conducting CS practicals.The following are the things which are currently present in the software as of 7 October 2020 :

Features Description
Reviewing the code on different test cases Students can submit code on the default editor and Open-Palm can run it on pre-determined test cases
Maintaining a *secured interface between Teacher's Page and Editor It uses username - password based style of entry to the teacher's page
Maintaining a responsive database of students Open-Palm uses local database file to store data of students

Q : What more features does it offer other than evaluating scripts?

A : We are working on adding the following features in coming releases :

Q : How can I contribute and/or request for a new feature?

A : You can make an issue with the feature-request label with the description of feature.

Note : All Pull Requests made without an issue will be rejected.

* We neither claim nor advertise the security of the ciphering mechanism. We are working on implementing a more secure encryption system in the future releases.

Codes Question Description
#1 Write a function that inputs an integer and returns True if its even else it returns False
#2 Write a function that inputs an array and returns a sorted array. (Use Bubble Sort)
#3 Write a function that that inputs an interger n and returns nth fibonacci number. (Fibonacci series starts with 1)
#4 Write a function that that inputs a string and returns True if its a palindrome else it returns False

How to Use ?

As of now, there is no pre build source. You have to manually run . Make sure you follow the exact steps. Raise an issue if there is some problem/error.

  1. Check your python version.Python version should be above 3.6 .Open your shell

    Windows: python --version or python3 --version

    Ubuntu/Debian : python --version or python3 --veersion

    Note : Cpython is the preferred version.

  2. If you have virtual environment installed , Go to step 3. else:
    1. Install virtual environment using the following command :
      pip install virtualenv
  3. Clone/Download the repository.Navigate to the folder and create a virtual environment using virtualenv open-palm.
  4. Activate the virtual environment using source open-palm/bin/activate
  5. Install Pillow while in venv using pip install Pillow
  6. While in Virtual Environment, Navigate to src and run the file using python or python3

NOTE : If you dont use Virtual environment , then in some python versions which comes preinstalled with PIL , will throw an error.

Screenshots :

alt text alt text alt text